The ED has accused seven people, including Rao, of money laundering in a Rs 8,000-crore deal to supply 43 aircraft to erstwhile Indian Airlines in 2005. The content material of the app is a combine of viral news, happenings, pop culture, food, travel, fashion, and so on. Our on-line platform is one of Canada’s quickest rising websites that was awarded with a global EPPY award for best new web site in 2013. It’s one of the best ways to follow your favourite sport, with professional evaluation and reside textual content commentary. You can personalised your sports activities news alerts, to receive reside results as they occur.
The Religion Intern will contribute to the AP’s cross-formats report focusing on quite lots of religion issues. The intern will also be anticipated to pitch multimedia enterprise story ideas and execute at least one during the internship.This internship shall be valuable for a journalism student working toward an emphasis as a reporter or as a video producer. The career pursuits of the successful candidate will help shape the work assignments. Norwegian police say several folks had been killed during a bow and arrow attack in Kongsberg. Police confronted the attacker and arrested him …